ICE Fishing
Mankind has been fishing for eons.
And with the ease of 21st century access to information, everyone knows of the health benefits of fresh fish.
But when is the last time you, or even someone you know, headed out with a line and a hook?
While there are some Alaskans that still do subsistence fishing,
many go ice fishing for sport or a day of rest & relaxation.
Our friend Shane took us to the world-renowned
Quartz Lake ( located just north of Delta Junction, Alaska ) to try our hand at hooking a big one!
We have fished before but we had never had the pleasure of ice fishing, which is quite a different experience.
The following slide shows take you along a visual journey of our fantastic day:
Every ice fishing hole has it's own visual allure:
A stroll around the lake to drink in the beauty of life outdoors in the Last Frontier:
So long, Quartz Lake...
Thank you, Shane, for your guidance
and a fantastic day !
Get hooked, Alaska!