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State Fair

Alaska State Fair sign

The Alaska State Fair is located at the foot of the Chugach mountains.  This alone makes the fair uniquely inviting. Known for its showing of record-setting giant vegetables, the fair also hosts such events as a lumberjack  show, a pig race and a demolition derby (as well as  a diaper derby!) to name only a few. Contests include the "Great Alaskan Husband Hollerer"; a chili challenge; the fiddle contest; a rodeo;  a giant cabbage weigh-off and many, many more! There are events for the young as well as the young at heart. The length of the fair attests to the number  of things to do!  Many people take several days to enjoy the many flavors, rides and unique sights.

2025 Fair Dates:

August 15 -- September 1

hanging vase
tractor tires
jelly bean candle
lumberjack climber
purpose moose tracks
Latino drummer
Blue ribbon cake
carving wooden moose
axe throwing target
ice cream sign
state fair vegetable stand
4-H rabbit
Rubber duck amusement park game
blue ribbon
Halibut shack
kids fair ride
Fallen knight
award winning cabbage
mini golf sign
sawing log
Baking contest
Alaska Birch Syrup Makers sign
State Fair Ferris Wheel
pretzel stand sign
miniature golf at state fair
colorful cleaning cloths
Flower candle
4-H Sow with piglets
4-H Llama
cabbage cake
tie dyed T-shirts
wooden bears
Winning gingerbread house
wax hand stand
birch syrup
sketch artist
buffalo burger stand sign
Latino guitarist
Gone Fishin'
painting ladybug rocks
Mini driver
Crab shack sign
4-H cow
barnyard cake
sluice box tavern sign
racing pigs finish line

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